Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Mumford & Sons- An epic band

Ever have a friend introduce you to a new band and then you can't stop listening to them? Where you suddenly find yourself on an epic song-listening frenzy for a few hours as you keep replaying and replaying your favorite songs before you find another one that you absolutely love? Yup, I had the pleasure of experiencing that only yesterday. It was after Youth Group in the evening, and a close friend of mine suggested I look up the band Mumford & Sons. He and some other friends had been talking about a particular new song so I decided to look them up right when I got home. I wasn't disappointed at all.

I usually don't do double posts when I share music, but these guys are just too good to pass up- all their songs are good and I couldn't decide between my two favorites (which happened to be the two that my friend suggested I look up first =P) Mumford & Sons was refreshing and inspiring to listen to, they're categorized as a folk rock band. There's something about having a banjo or mandolin that makes their music that much more epic. I'm not that familiar with folk style music and crazy banjo solos, but I liked what I heard.

Their performances are energizing and full of emotion. What I liked best was the harmony of the instrumentation- from what I've read about them, they often switch up the instruments and exchange parts to play. Besides the distinct voice of the banjo, the syncing of piano chords and cello pizzicato produced a wonderful new timbre. The vocals of Mumford & Sons are great, but I would still be amazed by listening to just their instrumentation.

I apologizing for putting this much text between you and their music. I'll stop raving and let you listen for yourself. And if I get you hooked and you find yourself reveling in their music three hours from now, you're welcome.

The Cave:

White Blank Page:
The beat change at 3:35.... gets me every time.

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