Friday, August 26, 2011


My family has been talking a lot about the hurricane that's about to hit the East Coast. Who knows, after that earthquake in Virginia and now this upcoming hurricane, what's next for us northeastern states?

-What's the name of the hurricane? If you think you know, comment or email me the answer, along with a topic or subject (anything, really!) of choice. I'll make my next blog post about it, promise!
-No time limit, I'll gladly accept answers as long as I'm still blogging and readers are reading about my blogging xD
-Email me at, or just comment below (don't forget a blog topic if you want me to post about it!)

1 comment:

  1. I live in Virginia, so this one is easy - Irene! As for the topic... what about this upcoming school year? You'll be a senior, so what are you excited about and what are you worried about? Are you ready to apply for college? How difficult are the classes you're taking?


Please comment! Feedback or thoughts are ALWAYS appreciated =D